Monday, July 28, 2008

Housecleaning Made Cleaner

Could your housecleaning actually be dirtying the environment?

Here are some tips on choosing household cleansers that will help keep your home both clean and "green." Visit our Web site to browse our lines of safer, healthier alternatives.

Avoid these harmful ingredients. Though they might not bear a warning label, many household cleansers contain ingredients that pose problems for the environment and public health.
  • Petroleum: Many conventional detergents ("surfactants"), solvents, and polishes contain paraffin, mineral oil, diethylene glycol, perchloroethylene, or butyl cellosolve - all of which are derived from petroleum. Extraction and refinement of this nonrenewable resource contribute to air and water pollution.
  • Phosphates/EDTA: Phosphates, which have traditionally been used in detergents to soften water and increase cleaning power, encourage algae growth in waterways, depriving marine life of oxygen. EDTA, a common substitute for phosphates, degrades slowly in the environment.
  • Phthalates: Manufacturers of many cleaning products use phthalates to prolong their products’ scent. However, these chemicals have been linked to cancer and disease of the reproductive system in laboratory animals.
  • Antibacterial agents: The use of cleansers containing antibacterials such as triclosan and benzalkonium chloride could be contributing to an increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria, resulting in human illnesses that are more difficult to treat.
  • Chlorine bleach: This popular whitener and disinfectant can harm the environment by contributing to the formation of organochlorines (chlorine-carbon compounds) such as the chlorofluorocarbons that damage Earth’s ozone layer.
Source: Union of Concerned Scientists

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