Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Right To Know - Say No To GMO

An Article from EO about GMO ("genetically modified organisms”) and what it's all about -Some Good info:

Imagine this. Someone comes into your house when you aren’t home and adds something to most of the food in your kitchen. He goes into the bathroom and adds some of it to your body products too. You can’t see it, smell it or taste it so when you come home, you’re unaware that something has changed. It might be harmful, it might not be. But, you don’t know it’s in there, so you don’t have the option to decide for yourself.That’s what is happening with GMOs, right now, today. Here are some facts:
• GMOs are in the majority of America’s food supply.
• There is a massive (and successful) lobby by big industry (Monsanto et al) to make sure that the USDA and the FDA do not require that products are labeled to identify GMO ingredients.
• We don’t know what the effects of them are on us, the planet, or what happens if (when) they spread via cross-pollination, or, in the case of a genetically-engineered salmon, escape to interbreed with wild fish.
• Nearly an entire continent – that would be Europe – is so concerned about the unknown health implications that GE crops are barely grown there, imports are highly regulated and labeling for consumers is mandatory.
Our government, which was formed to advocate and protect the “people”, is allowing for-profit companies to use us and the planet as guinea pigs in a prolonged experiment in which we have no say.
We have a right to know what we put in our bodies, feed our children and wash our hands with!
Please look for more posts on this crucial topic during October, which has been designated a national “Non-GMO Month”.
In the meantime, join the cause. If you are in California, help get a bill requiring GMO products to be labeled on the 2012 state ballot:

To find out more, get an app to help you make informed product choices or to donate to fund more efforts, go here:
And by the way, EO was the first body care company to be certified non-GMO on the planet. We believe we all have a right to know and value transparency so people can choose wisely. EO says NO to GMO.
Written by Brad Black and Susan Griffin-Black, EO’s founders and co-CEOs.

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