Thursday, July 15, 2010

Staying Green in Our Lives

Staying Green in any way you can helps. There are so many ways to re-invest in our earth and give back and support the earth rather than take away or harm. From biking instead of driving, solar instead of gas or electric, local produce instead of food flown in from some other country, saving rain water and using drought tolerant planting, use of non chemical products.

I was thinking today about how each of us has to find our way and do what we can do. I do what I can, it is too much or overwhelming to think we can "do it all". I drive a hybrid, I use green cleaning and personal care products, I walk when I can. Then I was thinking of my neighbors who may not do those same things I do, but do save rain water and replanted drought tolerant plants. It is like anything there is not "right " way for everyone. We do what we can and hopefully more each day we can. Each of us makes a difference on this planet especially in the day to day lives we lead... Enjoy life, enjoy this planet, Blessings -- Cynthia

1 comment:

Bonnie Story said...

I totally agree Cynthia! It's "every little bit helps!" Some people do it with reusable shopping bags, some drive hybrid cars or recycle, some just take their kids out to the park or camping, so they can learn to love the planet... Cutting back on chemicals is a very, very direct way to stop poisoning our homes, bodies and planet immediately. I'm so glad to have found out about your products. Still using them every single day in my kitchen, shower and all over!!