Wednesday, April 9, 2008

NEW Natural Body Products Coming Soon!

Coming Soon are EO Natural Care Products. We are excited to add this fantastic line to our website. As cleaning products are our focus, we have found that homes, Spas, and all types of businesses are looking for a wonderful, green product to clean our bodies with along with natural cleaning products.

We will be carrying the EO line of organic, natural handsoaps, shampoos, conditioners, shower gels and hand sanitzers.

Buy in bulk to save money and save the number of small plastic bottles going to recycling.

Antibacterial soap ingredient triclosan may be harmful to humans by David Gutierrez
Triclosan, widely used as an antibacterial ingredient in household hand sterilization products, breaks down rapidly when exposed to chlorinated water and produces toxic chemicals including chloroform, according to a study published on the Environmental Science & Technology research website As Soon As Publishable (ASAP), suggesting that many antibacterial products may not only be ineffective, but harmful.
What you need to know - A previous study demonstrated that pure triclosan reacts with free chlorine to produce chloroform, a toxic chemical and probable carcinogen. • This 2005 study led to the removal of all triclosan-containing products from the British chain Marks & Spencer, as well as all triclosan-containing toothpaste from stores in China.• In the new study, the same researchers from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University tested 16 household products, including lotions, soaps and body washes. All the products containing triclosan produced either chloroform or other chlorine byproducts when exposed to tap water.• The researchers found that people using these products would be exposed to chloroform levels 40 percent higher than that found in tap water.• Triclosan decomposes into chlorine byproducts in as little as one minute when exposed to chlorinated water at 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a temperature commonly reached in household use. This led the researchers to question whether triclosan-containing soaps even provide the purported anti-bacterial benefit.• Quote: "At fairly low levels of chlorine, the triclosan degrades rapidly [into chlorine byproducts]." - Researcher Peter Vikesland
Thank you for this information:

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