Friday, March 14, 2008

March 2008 Clean Solutions Newsletter

Happy "Almost Spring"!

I hope you are well. Thank you to all the new subscribers and the ongoing subscribers to this newsletter. We are growing!

What I want to share with you this month is a great organization I learned about recently: Eco Mom Alliance. I have attached their website to tell you more about them. This organization was started by a Mom in Marin County for women to get together to learn, share and educate themselves about eco green ideas to make their lives and their families lives “greener”. I was impressed with all they have done. If you are interested, the website is: Eco Mom Alliance website

A few updates on our websites: we will begin carrying some wonderful liquid soaps and hand sanitizers from EO, a company that is locally based and sells excellent products. I love the products and had the pleasure of touring their plant in Corte Madera. They use essential oils and wonderful organic products – it was a treat to be the in all the divine smells. These should be available on our website in the next month.

Also see our new website we just started for ECO Coaching at:
Eco Consulting Website

Have a great month and have fun using your healthy, green cleaning products for Spring cleaning!

Blessings to each of you, Cynthia
Clean Solutions

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